But first, has Danny Seo (of Daily Danny) given me an idea for utilizing my card catalogue? He had a party and used an old apothecary chest for tea-service...so clever.
Now, Emotional Architecture...questions via this article in Apartment Therapy. I'm going to use this bad boy to help out with the place (that we have yet to find) in California. Let's see if it helps.
- What feelings do I want to inspire in the various parts of my house? And how can I achieve those feelings?
- Where have I been happiest and what elements can I bring from that place?
- What elements will be pleasing to me, my spouse, my children and any other occupants? How can we integrate all of our needs and wants and, most of all, our personalities into our home?
- Am I creating the type of environment that will welcome me home after a hard day's work? If not, how can I make it a more comforting place?
- How do specific colors make me feel? How can I use (or not use) those colors as an additional way to evoke emotion?
Where I've been happiest:
Anywhere I've been hanging out with the husband...the place where we were the happiest is a bit cliched. Our honeymoon, which took place here:
And that actually helps...one day I'll have a kitchen with walls the blue of the ocean. And I'll hang prints of the photos I took...none of which are on my computer. I really should reconsider keeping my iphoto library to a minimum...but I hate sifting through zillions of images for the one I want. Surely there's a better way...?
Ok...enough procrastinating. Back to the packing!
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