And, like all people who fail miserably at something, I have longed to be successful. I watched jealously as my sister brings ailing plants back from the brink, and I lust after well-planned and executed gardens in magazines.
What I need is something hearty. Something resilient. Something that my husband won't mind looking after so as to ensure it's long and healthy life.
I also need something my cats won't readily eat. Imagine my delight, then, when I found this little how-to on the Domino Site.
A day or two later, while cleaning out my backed-up tear sheets I ran across this in the new-defunct Home and Garden:
Ok, so it's not entirely cat-proof, but it does look hardy and pretty. And then I turned the page and discovered this:
Still not entirely cat-proof, but the little mushrooms kill me. One more page in the spread and voila! Cat-proofness.
House and Garden even had a nice little information box for indoor plants:
As did The Nest Magazine:
Then a few months later, Dwell did a spread on what they termed Terradomes. Domes- cat proof.
These remind me of the lovely Saarinen Tulip Table (which I feel is the perfect patio table.) They're also vaguely Jetson-y, which makes me want to put them in a little boys space-age bedroom.

(with the Carerra White top, which I'm not sure I like. But then again, I promise not to be too picky when the opportunity to place one on my patio presents itself.)
For a bit of nostalgia: (and also to get the full effect)
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